Revolution Precrafted Properties Philippines Inc. (referred to as “Revolution Precrafted”, “we”, “us” or “our”) recognizes the importance of your privacy. Our privacy statement describes how we collect, use, protect and manage personal information you may provide for us when you use our websites and mobile apps.

Revolution Precrafted respects the confidentiality of your personal information and adheres to various data privacy rights and laws and makes sure that all collected information from our users, employees, associates and partners are processed and protected accordingly.

By providing Revolution Precrafted your personal information while using any of our websites or mobile apps stated in this Privacy Policy, you have explicitly authorized and consented the collection, access, use, storage and processing of such information.


Through our Contact Page in our website, we may require you to provide your:
1. Name
2. E-mail address
3. Contact Number
4. Country of Origin

We collect this information to allow us to identify who emails us and lets us respond to any inquiries in a personal manner.


Electronic safeguards and precautions, as well as managerial procedures, have been set in place to make sure all personal information provided to us is protected against loss, unauthorized access and alteration, disclosure or misuse.


Cookies are small data files which asks permission to be place on your computer’s hard drive. It helps analyze web traffic and helps web applications tailor its operations to you as an individual – operating to your needs, likes and dislikes and giving users a more pleasant and useful experience.

However, cookies do not allow us access to your computer or files other than those which you choose to share with us. Most web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your setting and filter out which cookies you would like to accept or decline.


Our website may contain links and details of third party websites. These websites are governed by their own privacy policies which may be similar or not with our own. We therefore advise you to exercise caution when branching out to other websites and encourage you to review their own privacy policies before providing personal information


Revolution Precrafted will amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to adhere to new laws and regulations regarding the Data Privacy Act, and reflect changes in our business operations and environment. This privacy policy is effective as of December 5, 2017 and will remain in effect with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future.
We encourage you to periodically check our Privacy Policy to update yourself should there be any changes.


If you have any questions, e-mail us at [email protected].